Video Clips
I Believe You-Domestic Violence and The Faith Community
Domestic Violence, Show at the Church
Article and Websites
Are you in a Healthy Relationship? Take the Quiz before reading the Article on Healthy and Abusive relationships
Branson, Brenda (1999) Healthy vs Abusive Relationships: What’s the Difference? Focus Ministries, P. O. 2014, Elmhurst, IL 60126
Survivors of Domestic Violence Answer to a Question:
What would you say to individuals in an abusive relationship to encourage them to seek help/safety for themselves and/or their children?
1. I would tell individuals in an abusive relationship to trust that they are worth so much more than what their abuser is telling and showing them. It is so worth it to take a chance on the freedom that lies ahead of them. Please step outside of that relationship and the comfort zone it provides. They owe it to themselves and their children to live fully, in freedom!!!
2. As a result of leaving the abusive relationships, I have found a new church home that welcomes me and has helped further my healing. I continue to get stronger every day. Even when I'm not, I can forgive myself and others and each day I am gaining internal strength as well as strengthening my walk with God within me. My life, which I had begun to see as burdensome as I looked at my experiences from a victim mentality, has begun to transform into one that is light.
Need Help? Know Someone Who Does?
1. National Domestic Violence Hotline For help that is confidential and anonymous 24/7 Call 1-800-799-7233 and TTY 1-800-787- 3224
2. Love is Respect National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline Call 1-866-331-9474 or TTY 1-866-331-8453